Social Innovation in Tourism Industry: A Case Study on Master’s Students

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Year-Number: 2021-Cilt:2 Sayı:1
Language : İngilizce
Konu : Turizm
Number of pages: 12-31
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap


Turizm işletmelerinin varlıklarını sürdürebilmeleri, rekabet edebilmeleri ve pazarda iyi bir konum elde edebilmeleri toplumsal sorunlara çözüm getirebilecek yeni fikirler geliştirmelerine, yenilikçi yaklaşımlarla sosyal bir etki yaratmalarına bağlıdır. Sosyal inovasyon; sosyal, ekonomik, kültürel, siyasi ve ekolojik sorunların yenilikçi politika, süreç ve uygulamalar ile çözüme kavuşturulması süreci olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Sosyal inovasyon sosyal bir olgu olan turizm alanında sosyal bir değişim yaratmayı amaçlamaktadır. Turizm endüstrisinde yenilikçi fikirlerin geliştirilmesinin öneminden hareketle bu çalışmada; Türkiye’deki bir devlet üniversitesinde öğrenim gören Yüksek Lisans öğrencilerinden turizm sektörü için sosyal yenilikçi fikirler toplanmıştır. Kalitatif araştırma deseninin benimsendiği bu çalışmada; odak grup görüşmeleri yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Örneklem grubunu Turizm İşletmeciliği ve Girişimcilik Yüksek Lisans öğrencileri oluşturmaktadır. Sonuçlar, yaratıcı fikirlerin yeni ürün/hizmet geliştirme (yeni turizm türleri ve destinasyonlar), yerel kalkınma, çevre koruma, bilişim teknolojileri kullanılarak turistik tecrübenin ve müşteri memnuniyetinin arttırılması üzerine odaklandığını göstermektedir.



For the survival and the competition of tourism enterprises, gaining a good position in the market depends on developing new ideas that can bring solutions to social problems and creating a social impact with innovative approaches. Social innovation pertains to the process of solving social, economic, cultural, political, and ecological problems with innovative policies, processes, and practices. It helps to create social change in tourism, which is a social phenomenon. Considering the importance of developing innovative ideas in the tourism industry, the aim of this research is to collect the socially innovative ideas of Master’s class students studying at a state university in Turkey. The current study adopted a qualitative approach through focus group interviews. The sample was chosen among Master class students of Tourism Management and Entrepreneurship. The results suggest that innovative ideas focusing on developing new products/services (new tourism types and destinations), local development, environmental protection, and enhancing tourist experience and customer satisfaction by using information technologies are prominent.


  • solutions to social problems related to the economy, health, and education (Datta, 2011). Social

  • solutions to social problems (cultural, social, and economic) (Goldenberg, 2004; Tanimoto and Doi,

  • 2007). A true social innovation permanently changes perceptions, behaviors, structures, and systems

  • (Chiklyaukova, 2015). Haugh (2005: 5, cited in Kahvecioğlu, 2017), defined social innovation as the provision of new

  • from the services. According to Ruiz and Parra (2013), social innovation is the process of policies,

  • and Parsons's analysis of social movements (Topsakal and Yüzbaşıoğlu, 2017, Milliyet newspaper,

  • 2013). Social innovation was first discussed in the late 19th century by Max Weber under the name

  • and Bulut, 2014). Joseph Schumpeter, an economist, and political scientist stated that innovation

  • 1960s (Milliyet newspaper, 2013). In the 2000s, social innovation has become an important phenomenon. Bangladeshi economics

  • developed in 2006, Yunus enabled poor women to establish small businesses by allocating micro-

  • loans that banks avoid, thus creating a social innovation. According to Moulaert et al. (2005, cited by Topsakal and Yüzbaşıoğlu, 2017), social innovation

  • at the local level (European Commission, 2013; Özmete and Gök, 2015). There are many social innovation examples. To illustrate, the "modern aging program"

  • developed a mobile phone game that encourages tree planting (Ateş, 2018). Social innovation efforts have been increasing in Turkey. Examples of social innovations in

  • (Kahvecioğlu, 2017). Social entrepreneurship is an innovative activity that emerges for social purposes. Social

  • entrepreneurship includes the initiatives that create social value (Ercan, 2016). According to Perrini

  • and Vurro (2006), social entrepreneurship is a dynamic process created by people or communities

  • entrepreneurship contributes to society socially, environmentally, and economically (Ercan, 2016).

  • of social entrepreneurship throughout the history of humanity (Taş and Şemşek, 2017). For example,

  • 2016). Social entrepreneurship has developed with the increase of social problems that arose with the

  • Responsibilities of the Businessman" published in 1953 (Budak, 2015). Social innovation and social entrepreneurship are interrelated concepts (Özdemir and Ar,

  • 2015). Social entrepreneurs create social innovation. Social entrepreneurs are those who create

  • innovations (Eren, 2010).

  • quality of life. Benevides et al. (2018) defines social innovation in tourism as the implementation of regional

  • poverty and protecting the environment” (Günlü, 2015). Tourism contributes to the economic development of undeveloped or underdeveloped rural

  • 2006). Tourism creates interaction between local people and tourists, bringing people from different

  • industry (Betil, 2010; Eren, 2010; Mulgan, 2006). • Poverty reduction, • Creation of new employment areas, • Urbanization, • Eliminating injustice related to living standards between regions, • Migrations, • Environmental problems such as the decrease in water resources, global warming, carbon

  • emissions, and the energy provided by nonrenewable resources, • Women's rights, • Gender equality, • Consumer rights, • Expectations of consumers, • Health and nutrition, • Protecting nature, • Improving the ability of the individuals, • Education rights for all and access to education, • Supporting disadvantaged groups, • Ethical problems in working life. Ergul and Johnson (2011) state that innovation in tourism today is limited to product

  • within the scope of festival tourism. (Küçükaltan and Yıldız, 2009). For the sustainability of tourism, new products developed apart from the existing ones will

  • (Chang and Cheng, 2021). Environmentally friendly hotels are built using environmentally friendly

  • damage to the ecological system and biological diversity (Erdem and Tetik, 2013). Lapa Rios

  • vegetables and fruits are used in food production (Gökdeniz and Dinç, 2017). In the Crowne Plaza

  • a generator and thus enjoy their dinner free of charge (Vatan, 2010). The tourism consortium, created under the name "Tasting Arizona" and consisting of food and

  • Arizona were determined (Carlsen and Edwards, 2008a). These innovative studies are particularly

  • the development of local arts and local economy (Stone and Stone, 2011). The travel agency of Eco Travel Services, a social enterprise in Singapore, collaborating with

  • fund to finance public projects in the village (Biqi, 2012). Nallıhan's Rural Tourism Development Project is a social enterprise initiated in 2010 with the

  • sold and local food is offered (COMCEC, 2013). Thus, a significant increase was achieved in the

  • Project" was conducted in 2011 in order to increase the employment opportunities of the local people

  • Alaeddinoğlu, 2018). The TaTuTa (Exchange of Agricultural Tourism on Organic Farms and Volunteer Experience)

  • project, which was implemented in 2004 with the contribution of the Buğday Association for

  • their accommodation and food and beverage services (Artuğer et al., 2013; Tatuta, 2018). TaTuTa increases the information sharing of consumers and producers for ecological

  • (Çiftçi, 2017). Another social innovation example is the Slow Food movement that emerged in 1986 as a

  • and where the negative impacts of mass tourism are eliminated (Kazançoğlu and Dirsehan, 2016). As in many cases mentioned above, social innovation and social entrepreneurship in the

  • conducted in regions where people who need social support and have low income (Çiftçi, 2017). In the relevant literature, there are only a few studies focusing on tourism, social innovation,

  • and social entrepreneurship. Işık et al. (2018) state that international studies on innovation mainly

  • group dynamics (Bowling, 2002). Focus groups enable new and different ideas to emerge as a result

  • provided (Çokluk et al., 2011). In this study, two groups were formed, consisting of 10 students studying in the Department

  • Krueger's (1994) "focus group information form" was used to collect data in these interviews, which

  • March 14, 2019. In the first focus group meeting, it was attempted to determine whether the students

  • 4.1.2. Focus Group Meeting – 2 In the second focus group meeting held on March 21, 2019, innovative ideas of Department of

  • Business Administration on April 02, 2019, with the participation of 12 Master’s students of the

  • 4.1.4. Focus Group Meeting - 4 In the second focus group meeting held on April 30, 2019, innovative ideas of Department of

  • people living in the region (Chong, 2020). Solving these problems with a socially innovative

  • approach is important for both the sustainable development of tourism (Moscardo, 2008) and the

  • it creates (Ladkin, 2011). For this reason, it serves as a catalyst for economic development and

  • Nagy, and Maroşi, 2016). In this context, many social innovative projects, which were initiated by

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